WHAT STYLE DO THE F6 (UK) EXAMINATION QUESTIONS TAKE? Within Section A, candidates will be required to answer 15 object test questions of 2 marks each. These questions may be either narrative or computational and can cover any areas of the syllabus. Section B of the exam consists of three questions comprising five objective test items worth two marks each; therefore each question is worth a total of ten marks. Each question will be based around a common scenario "case" which can come from any area of the syllabus, and will be a mix of computational and narrative. Section C of the exam comprises one 10 mark question and two 15 mark questions. The two 15 mark questions will focus on income tax and corporation tax and are likely to require candidates to perform a number of calculations or workings and then to bring these together into an overall tax computation. Questions in Section C will be predominantly computational, although each question may contain wr...