
Showing posts from 2012


WHAT STYLE DO THE F6 (UK) EXAMINATION QUESTIONS TAKE? Within Section A, candidates will be required to answer 15 object test questions of 2 marks each.  These questions may be either narrative or computational and can cover any areas of the syllabus. Section B of the exam consists of three questions comprising five objective test items worth two marks each; therefore each question is worth a total of ten marks. Each question will be based around a common scenario "case" which can come from any area of the syllabus, and will be a mix of computational and narrative. Section C of the exam comprises one 10 mark question and two 15 mark questions.  The two 15 mark questions will focus on income tax and corporation tax and are likely to require candidates to perform a number of calculations or workings and then to bring these together into an overall tax computation.  Questions in Section C will be predominantly computational, although each question may contain wr...


IF AN EU DIRECTIVE WAS ENACTED INTO ENGLISH LAW, COULD IT BE EXAMINABLE? Yes - anything that becomes substantive English law will be examinable. IN CONTRACT LAW, DO CANDIDATES NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ANTICIPATORY BREACH? Yes, as this is part of breach. IS IT SUFFICIENT FOR CANDIDATES TO JUST QUOTE ONE CASE? One case is enough per issue. If candidates state the principle and cite the name, it isn't necessary to describe the facts of the case. Cases should be cited to support the law but they are not necessary - examples are fine too. They can be used to show the candidate understands the point of law. WHAT IS THE ADVANTAGE OF STUDYING LAW FOR ACCOUNTANTS? Accountants need to understand the general legal framework and specific areas relating to business so that they can recognise where a legal issue has arisen and then be able to employ a specialist for legal advice. The F4 Corporate and Business Law syllabus focuses on legal issues relating to b...


THE ACCA WEBSITE INCLUDES ONLY ONE SAMPLE SPECIMEN EXAM FOR F1, F2 AND F3. ARE THERE PLANS TO INCLUDE MORE PAST EXAM PAPERS? No, there are no plans to publish more F1, F2 and F3 papers on our website. Please read the study guides produced by our official publishers for further examples of exam questions. DOES THE F2 EXAM PAPER COVER THE WHOLE SYLLABUS? As there are 50 questions on each exam there is plenty of scope for the examiner to ensure that the whole syllabus is tested. This holds true for the paper-based and computer-based exams. Candidates are advised to study the whole syllabus in preparation for the exam. THERE ARE FIVE SECTIONS IN THE F2 STUDY GUIDE, IS EACH ONE OF EQUAL IMPORTANCE AS FAR AS THE EXAM IS CONCERNED? The five sections are not represented by equal numbers of questions (or marks) in the exam. Candidates should analyse the F2 specimen exam to identify how many of the questions (and marks) relate to each study guide section. S...


THE ACCA WEBSITE INCLUDES ONLY ONE SAMPLE PILOT PAPER FOR F1, F2 AND F3. ARE THERE PLANS TO INCLUDE MORE PAST EXAM PAPERS? No, there are no plans to publish more F1, F2 and F3 papers on our website. Please read the study guides produced by our official publishers for further examples of exam questions.  MOST THEORISTS LISTED IN THE STUDY GUIDE ARE FROM THE UK OR USA. ISN'T THIS RATHER UK/USA 'CENTRIC? The syllabus covers relatively few theories or models. Those selected are well-known and easy to understand. The idea is that candidates should understand how theories or models help people to think about issues. Inclusion of a theory or model does not necessarily mean that it is regarded as being the best in its area or well-validated.  HAS INCREASING THE USE OF "SCENARIOS" IN MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS MADE EXAMS MORE CHALLENGING? We have analysed our candidates' exam results and found no evidence of a difference in pass rates for this type ...


WHAT IS THE FORMAT OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT EXAMS? Performance Management currently has three exam sections. Section A comprises of 15 objective test (OT) questions worth two marks each. Section B has three questions worth 10 marks each which are comprised of five OTs worth two marks each. Section C contains two 20 mark constructed response (CR) questions. There is a mix of computational and narrative questions. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the techniques they are using and the implications of the calculations they have made. A specimen exam produced under this new format can be found on the website under F5 Qualification Resources. HOW MANY MARKS WILL BE GIVEN FOR CALCULATIONS AND HOW MANY FOR DISCUSSION? Each exam will aim for approximately 50 per cent of the marks for calculations and 50 per cent for discussion but may go as far as 40:60 either way HOW MUCH CONTENT IS EXPECTED FOR INTERPRETATION IN CR QUESTI...

ACCA Examination Technique

Seven key pointers that will guide you and significantly enhance your prospects of completing your  exams  successfully at the next sitting INSTRUCTIONS The first critical instruction to follow is to arrive at the correct exam hall at the correct time. Always allow plenty of time to get to the exam hall so that you will be fully ready to approach the  exams  in a calm state of mind. Ensure that you have brought your stationery, calculators, your examination dockets and your student identification. Read the paper  instructions  carefully when you receive the exam scripts and always check the number of questions to be attempted and the time you have. When reading the questions, read the requirements for each question carefully. It is useful to underline key words and understand the verbs in the requirements. This will ensure that you answer the questions correctly and to the point. MANAGE  TIME You need to make sure that you will...